ЦентрАзия   |x .
[22.04.1950 - ..]

Род. в 1950 в аймаке Завхан.
Окончил Ленинградский техникум холодильных установок.
1972-75 - механик, инженер на ликеро-водочном завода в г. Улан-Баторе
1975-80 - студент Одесского технологического института
1980-84 - зав. отделом парткома МНРП аймака Тов
1984-87 - слушатель Академии общественных наук при ЦК КПСС
1987-90 - лектор-агитатор, нач. сектора, советник отдела ЦК МНРП
1990-92 - секретарь, зам. председателя ЦК МНРП
1992-97 - председатель государственного Великого Хурала Монголии
С 18 мая 1997 - президент Монголии. Переизбран 20 мая 2001 г.

E-mail: president@presi.pmis.gov.mn
Web-site: http://www.pmis.gov.mn/president

Date of birth: 22 April 1950
Place of birth: Zavkhan Province, Mongolia
Nationality: Mongolian
Family: Spouse: Oyunbileg, Azadsuren was born in Uliastai soum, Zavkhan aimag in 1951 and graduated from the State Pedagogy Yniversity in 1975, majored in education. She is the Head of the "For Human Good" Foundation.
Daughter: Bayarmaa, Bagabandi was born in Ulaanbaatar in 1972.
Son: Batbayar, Bagabandi was born in Ulaanbaatar in 1974.

Food engineer-technologist, refrigerator technician-mechanic and politician

1987 Academy of Social Science in Moscow, Russian Federation
1980 Food Technical Institute in Odessa, Ukraine, majored in food engineer-technologist
1972 Refrigeration Junior College in Leningrad /now St. Petersburg/, majored in refrigerator technician-mechanic
1968 Secondary school in Uliastai, Zavkhan Province

2002 Honored Doctor of Mongolian Science and Technology University
2001 Honored Doctor of Sougan University of the Republic of Korea
Honored Doctor of Mongolian Defense University
Honored Doctor of Mongolian "Otgontenger" University
2000 Academician title "Bilguun nomch" of Mongolian Nomadic
Civilization Academy and "Ikh-Zasag" University
1999 Honored Doctor of Mongolian Administration Academy
1998 Honored Doctor of Alma-Ata University of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Honored Doctor of Ankara University of the Republic of Turkey
Honored Doctor of Seng-Shui University of Japan
Honored Professor of Mongolian Socio-economic Institute "Explorer XXI"
1995 Honored Doctor of National Food Technology Academy of Odessa, Ukraine

2001 re-elected as the President of Mongolia
1997 elected as the President of Mongolia by winning 60% of the votes in the presidential election
1997 elected as the Head of the Mongolian People"s Revolutionary Party by the XXII Conference of the MPRP
1996 -1997 re-elected as the Member of the Parliament; the Foreman of the MPRP group in the Parliament
1992 -1996 Member of the Parliament; Parliament Speaker
1987 -1992 Lecturer-propagandist, Chief of Division, Division Advisor, Secretary and Deputy Chairman of the MPRP Central Committee
1980 -1984 Chief of division of the MPRP Committee of Tuv aimag
1972 -1975 Machine operator, mechanic and engineer at Ulaanbaatar city Brewery and Distillery

2001 International Prize named after the Great Peter King, Highest public prize of Russian Federation
2000 "Peace" order of Russian Federation
Order of Chinggis Khaan
1997 "Golden Star" Olympic order
1996 Prize of Sukhbaatar Fund
1991 70th Anniversary order of the People"s Revolution

Постоянный адрес биографии - https://centrasia.org/person.php?st=1024604674

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